I don’t know about you but I love a winter elopement! (Which is probably a good thing since I live in winter from basically October to May at over 10,000 feet of elevation in the Rocky Mountains!) Sarah and Cole has a short & sweet (and COLD) elopement on gorgeous frozen Lake Dillon. They were accompanied by Sarah’s sister and their friend officiated for them. After the ceremony we went up to Sapphire Point for sunset photos. It was such a chilly afternoon we had the whole place to ourselves! Wahoo! (A rarity, for sure, as Sapphire is one of the most instagrammed spots in Summit County so you can usually expect a steady stream of tourists whenever you’re there.) It was such a luxury to take our time and have some fun celebrating the new Mr. & Mrs. One of my favorite things about this elopement was Cole’s GREEN suit! I love when guys get out of the box with their attire and the green looked perfect on him! Also, the embroidery on Sarah’s dress was to die for!